President of MPTF Highlights Plight of Hollywood Crew as "Forgotten Casualties" of Strike, Facing Potential Home and Vehicle Loss

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The ongoing strikes in Hollywood are having a devastating impact on non-union members, particularly stage crew members who are struggling fi...

Rachael Wiley

Rachael Wiley

18 August 2023 6:46 am

President of MPTF Highlights Plight of Hollywood Crew as

The Devastating Impact of Strikes on Non-Union Members in Hollywood

The ongoing strikes in Hollywood are having a devastating impact on non-union members, particularly stage crew members who are struggling financially.

The president and CEO of the Motion Picture & Television Fund (MPTF), Bob Beitcher, has posted an open letter urging the industry to donate financial assistance to help these individuals.

The strikes by the Writers Guild of America (WGA) and the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) have caused a complete shutdown of the industry.

The Neglected Below-the-Line Crews

The strikes in the entertainment industry are negatively affecting the non-striking workers, particularly the below-the-line crews who are the hardest-working and lowest-paid members of the community.

These crews are considered the backbone of the industry and are responsible for making everything come together and getting the work done.

The Overlooked Crew Members

A letter has accused the Hollywood community of neglecting to support crew members who are struggling financially due to ongoing strikes.

The letter claims that these individuals, who rely on the industry for their livelihood, have been overlooked by the media and are not receiving the philanthropic support they deserve.

The letter suggests that actors and writers receive more attention during strikes, leaving crew members behind as forgotten casualties.

The Financial Difficulties Faced by Crew Members

The article discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the film and television production industry, specifically the crew members who are facing financial difficulties.

Beitcher, the CEO of the Motion Picture and Television Fund, reveals that he has been receiving a high volume of calls from crew members seeking financial assistance.

These crew members are at risk of losing their homes, cars, and ability to pay bills and caregivers for their loved ones.

Beitcher emphasizes the importance of financial support from successful community members who understand and value the contributions of the crew to the industry.

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