Bill Maher Criticizes 'Barbie' Film for Being Preachy and Man-Hating
Bill Maher, the host of HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher," recently expressed his disappointment with the new "Barbie" movie. Initially, Mah...

Bill Maher Disappointed with New "Barbie" Movie
Bill Maher, the host of HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher," recently expressed his disappointment with the new "Barbie" movie. Initially, Maher had hoped that the reports about the film being a "man-hating" movie were false. However, after watching the movie, he confirmed that it not only portrayed a negative view of men but also criticized the director for disregarding the realities of the world we currently live in.
Maher Calls "Barbie" Movie a "ZombieLie"
In a recent tweet, comedian and TV host Bill Maher criticized the new Barbie movie directed by Greta Gerwig. Maher referred to the film as a "ZombieLie," meaning it is either something that was never true but people continue to believe, or something that used to be true but is no longer. Maher described the movie as "preachy" and out of touch with reality.
Mattel Board Portrayal Criticized
The content provided is a quote from an HBO host who is discussing the portrayal of the Mattel board in a movie about Barbie. The host points out that in the movie, the board is depicted as consisting of 12 white men, which he criticizes as reinforcing the patriarchy. However, he clarifies that in real life, the actual Mattel board is composed of 7 men and 5 women, acknowledging that it is not a perfect gender balance but different from the movie's portrayal.
Maher's Views on Gender Roles
Bill Maher recently made a comment on Twitter about the movie "Barbie and the Kens," stating that it is no longer representative of the patriarchy and is outdated. He suggests that the movie's premise of Barbie acting helpless to win over Kens is reminiscent of an old idea and should be left in the past. Maher's tweet sparked a discussion about gender roles and the portrayal of women in media.
Maher Argues for Observing the World
In a recent interview, TV personality Maher acknowledged that there was a time when women were expected to act in a certain way, but he argued that this is no longer the case. He mentioned that a woman in her 30s told him that she doesn't know any woman, regardless of age, who would conform to those traditional gender roles today. Maher dismissed critics who claim that he couldn't understand the patriarchy because he is a man, calling the argument outdated and nonsensical. He emphasized that while he may not have personal experiences, he can observe the world and analyze data to form his opinions.
Mattel Board Reflects Diversity, Says Maher
According to a statement by comedian Bill Maher, the board of directors at Mattel closely reflects the diversity of the country, with 45% of board seats in Fortune 500 companies being held by women. Maher argues that he is not out of touch with the current times, but rather living in the present year.
Maher Calls "Barbie" a "Flaming Garbage Heap"
In this statement, the talk show host expresses their opinion about Barbie, stating that it is fun but also a "zombie lie." They argue that people who do not believe in these lies are simply staying true to the current reality. The host concludes by emphasizing the importance of living in the present year and greets someone named Ken.
Shapiro Receives Backlash for Negative Opinion on "Barbie" Movie
In this content, the reader is provided with comments from Bill Maher and Ben Shapiro regarding their opinions on the movie "Barbie." Both Maher and Shapiro express their dislike for the film, with Shapiro specifically mentioning that he is not a fan of Barbie movies but appreciates the production and set designs. Maher refers to the movie as a "flaming garbage heap" and mentions that he will release a full review of the film on his YouTube channel.
Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro tweeted on July 21, 2023, and mentioned an article titled "The Left Freaks Out Because I Hated The 'Barbie' Movie. Here's The Real Reason Why." The tweet suggests that Shapiro received backlash for his negative opinion on the movie, and he promises to explain the actual reason behind it.