Billy Porter Expresses Disappointment Over Harry Styles Wearing a Gown on Vogue Cover: "Appropriating My Community"

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Billy Porter, a TV personality, has expressed his disappointment with Vogue's decision to feature musician Harry Styles in a Gucci gown on t...

Jody Golden

Jody Golden

14 August 2023 9:45 am

Billy Porter Expresses Disappointment Over Harry Styles Wearing a Gown on Vogue Cover:

Billy Porter Criticizes Vogue's Decision to Feature Harry Styles in a Gucci Gown

Billy Porter, a TV personality, has expressed his disappointment with Vogue's decision to feature musician Harry Styles in a Gucci gown on the cover of their December 2020 issue. Porter, who is known for his bold fashion choices, criticized the magazine's editor-in-chief, Anna Wintour, for choosing Styles, a straight white man, as the first male solo cover model. Porter believes that this choice undermines the representation of LGBTQ+ individuals in the fashion industry.

Billy Porter Voices Dissatisfaction with Harry Styles' Vogue Cover

Billy Porter, star of the TV show "Pose," recently expressed his dissatisfaction with Harry Styles' recent cover for Vogue magazine. In an interview with The Telegraph, Porter criticized Styles for using his community to gain popularity without making any sacrifices. Porter also mentioned a previous encounter with Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour, where she asked how they could improve, but Porter felt caught off guard and didn't respond as he would have liked.

Billy Porter Urges Vogue to Support the De-Gendering of Fashion Movement

Actor Billy Porter is urging Vogue to use its influence to support the de-gendering of fashion movement. He expressed disappointment with Vogue's "gatekeepers" for not featuring more diverse voices in the industry. Porter's comments came after Harry Styles became the first man to grace the cover of Vogue. Although Porter clarified that he is not angry with Styles, he believes that Vogue should do more to uplift the leaders of this movement.

Billy Porter Calls Out Fashion Industry for Lack of Opportunities for Nonbinary Individuals

Billy Porter, the actor known for his gender-bending fashion choices, has criticized the fashion industry for not giving enough opportunities to nonbinary individuals. He specifically called out Vogue for featuring Harry Styles, a straight white man, on their cover in a dress, while claiming that he had started the conversation about nonbinary fashion. Porter believes that the fashion industry needs to be more inclusive and give space to individuals who challenge traditional gender norms.

Billy Porter Elaborates on Comments about Harry Styles on "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert"

The article discusses comments made by a person, possibly a public figure, who claims to have been the first to do something and now sees others following suit. The person mentions Harry Styles and suggests that Styles is only doing it because it's trendy, while they themselves view it as a matter of politics and personal importance. The person later elaborated on their comments during an appearance on "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" after facing criticism.

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