Controversy Surrounds Harry's Razors Following Release of Socially Conscious Promotional Video
Harry's Razors is facing backlash for promoting the Trevor Project, a transgender activist group that supports treatments for transgender mi...

Harry's Razors Faces Backlash for Promoting the Trevor Project
Harry's Razors is facing backlash for promoting the Trevor Project, a transgender activist group that supports treatments for transgender minors. Conservative commentators and social media users criticized the razor company after a video sponsored by Harry's Razors went viral.
The video features a woman who identifies as a man shaving her face and is captioned "celebrating my first Pride with facial hair!" The backlash against Harry's Razors continues to grow.
Conservative Figures and Social Media Users Criticize Harry's Razors
In June 2022, an Instagram video was released featuring Luke Wesley Pearson, a transgender man who had undergone top surgery. The video was part of a promotional campaign for face and body shave kits, with the promise that 100% of profits from the purchases would be donated to the Trevor Project.
A video that gained millions of views has faced criticism from conservative media figures and social media users. The Editor in Chief of the Daily Caller, Geoffrey Ingersoll, tweeted his disapproval, calling it a marketing strategy that promotes corruption of children.
Texas radio host Mark Davis made controversial comments on social media about the shaving brand Harry's. In a tweet, Davis called for boycotting the brand, using the hashtag #BudLight, and accused the company of supporting "a mental illness." He criticized Harry's for claiming that 1% of their sales support organizations that improve men's mental health, while also referencing the scars left from breast removal surgeries.
Terry Schilling, the president of the American Principles Project, has criticized Harry's, a shaving company, for expanding its customer base by targeting transgender women who have started taking testosterone and growing facial hair. Schilling believes that once these women start growing facial hair, it continues to grow even if they decide to detransition. He views Harry's strategy as a smart move to make money, but also considers it to be evil.
End Wokeness Video Sparks Further Criticism
The article discusses criticism faced by Harry's Razors, a grooming company, over a video shared by End Wokeness. The video shows the company's executive leadership referring to mothers as "birthing parents" and fathers as "non-birthing parents." Conservative commentators, such as the Hodge Twins, have expressed their disapproval and compared the situation to the backlash faced by Bud Light in the past.
In this news content, it is mentioned that a social commentator named Chris Elston advises against purchasing Harry's Razors due to his concerns about the influence of gender ideology on children. The article also mentions that Ben Shapiro, the Editor Emeritus of the Daily Wire, responded to a post from End Wokeness, which featured Pearson endorsing Jeremy's Razors.
Jeremy's Razors is a company created by Jeremy Boreing, the co-founder of the Daily Wire, in response to Harry's pulling their advertisements from the site and publicly criticizing the company.
Ben Shapiro and Jeremy Boreing Criticize Harry's Razors
The co-founders of Jeremy's Razors, Ben Shapiro and Jeremy Boreing, have criticized the company Harry's for supporting causes they disagree with. Shapiro stated that customers should not support companies that promote "mutilation and sterilization," while Boreing sarcastically suggested that Harry's is trying to make him rich. Their comments were made on social media using the hashtag #GoWokeGoBroke.