Exploring the Link Between Truth and Morality

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"Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" is a popular book from the 1970s written by Robert M. Pirsig. Despite being initially seen as an...

Rachael Wiley

Rachael Wiley

10 August 2023 1:44 pm

Exploring the Link Between Truth and Morality

"Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance": Exploring the Concept of Quality

"Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" is a popular book from the 1970s written by Robert M. Pirsig. Despite being initially seen as an attack on conservatism, the book is actually considered to be deeply conservative.

In this news article, the author shares his experience of embarking on a motorcycle trip across the country with his son. Along the journey, the author reflects on a past episode where he had a psychological breakdown and was hospitalized, including receiving electrotherapy. The article combines elements of a travelogue with philosophical musings, as the author explores the reasons behind his fascination with philosophy and delves into his own mental health journey.

The book explores the concept of Quality, which is described as something that is difficult to define but universally recognized. The author argues that Quality can be subjective and that individuals have an innate understanding of what is of higher quality. The example is given that Beethoven's music is considered higher quality than Cardi B's, and any argument against this is dismissed as postmodernist nonsense.

In his writing, Pirsig argues that the concept of "Quality" has been lost in society. He attributes this loss to a separation of the True from the Good, which originated from Greek philosophy. The separation was an attempt to ensure that if the Good was unattainable, Truth would not be lost. However, according to Pirsig, this separation has led to a neglect of the idea of Quality, resulting in its loss in contemporary society.

In a recent interview, philosopher Robert Pirsig argues that we should stop trying to define abstract concepts like "Quality" or "the Good." Pirsig believes that these terms are inherently undefinable and that attempting to categorize them is futile. He suggests that instead of trying to pin down these concepts, we should embrace their ambiguity and complexity.

The content provided suggests that our perception of the universe is influenced by our understanding of what is good or of high quality. This understanding is not solely subjective but is a result of the interaction between ourselves and the world around us. This concept of quality is widely agreed upon in various aspects of human life.

The author suggests that the concept of "Good" or "Quality" is equivalent to God or a divine system of values. They argue that religion fills the gap in understanding this higher value and that science, while important, cannot bridge the gap between what is and what one ought to do. The author references philosopher Robert Pirsig's belief that our interaction with the world is always influenced by our perspective of Quality.

The process of taking in sense perceptions involves discriminating among them, as it is not possible to absorb everything around us at the same rate. This orientation process is necessary to prevent overwhelming our senses and potentially causing mental distress.

The content is a recommendation for a book that explores the concept of Quality and its connection to the True and the Good. The author suggests that understanding and acknowledging the Good is necessary to truly perceive the True. The book is described as captivating and worth reading.

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