Former U.S. Senator Warns Biden of Consequences for Inappropriate Behavior Towards Wife

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Former U.S. Senator Scott Brown revealed in an interview that he once threatened to physically confront then-Vice President Joe Biden after ...

Rachael Wiley

Rachael Wiley

11 August 2023 6:00 pm

Former U.S. Senator Warns Biden of Consequences for Inappropriate Behavior Towards Wife

Former U.S. Senator Scott Brown's Confrontation with Joe Biden

Former U.S. Senator Scott Brown revealed in an interview that he once threatened to physically confront then-Vice President Joe Biden after Biden allegedly made inappropriate physical contact with Brown's wife. Brown, who later served as U.S. Ambassador to New Zealand under the Trump administration, shared this incident during an appearance on the podcast "Tom Shattuck's Burn Barrel."

Joe Biden's Controversial Behavior and Declining Popularity

The article discusses Joe Biden's declining popularity in recent polls. The author mentions that one of the reasons for this decline could be Biden's controversial behavior, such as his habit of sniffing women's hair. The article also includes a quote from someone named Shattuck, who suggests that women are uncomfortable with Biden's actions and that he is not a good person.

Scott Brown's Views on President Biden's Health and Political Climate

In an interview, Brown expressed his belief that President Biden is suffering from dementia and the early stages of Alzheimer's disease. He cited the president's walk, mumbling, and anger outbursts as evidence. Brown also lamented the current state of the country and suggested that many potential candidates may be deterred from running for office due to the current political climate.

Alleged Incident Involving Joe Biden and Scott Brown's Wife

The content provided is about a conversation between two individuals, Shattuck and Brown, discussing an alleged incident involving Joe Biden. Shattuck mentions a story that Brown had told him in the past about Biden behaving inappropriately with Brown's wife. Shattuck asks if Biden had been "hair-sniffing" or "handsy" with Brown's wife when Biden was sworn in as a senator.

Scott Brown's Confrontation with Joe Biden

In an interview, Scott Brown, former US Senator, claimed that he confronted Joe Biden and told him to stop his behavior. Brown expressed his dissatisfaction with Biden's actions and stated that he called him out on it. However, no specific details about the incident or Biden's behavior were provided.

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