Jim Jordan Unveils 'Facebook Files,' Exposing Biden Administration's Attempts to Censor Daily Wire Content
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) has released the third edition of the "Facebook Files," alleging that the Biden administration exerted pressure on Fa...

Rep. Jim Jordan Alleges Biden Administration Pressured Facebook to Suppress Speech
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) has released the third edition of the "Facebook Files," alleging that the Biden administration exerted pressure on Facebook to suppress speech that the White House disagreed with. According to Jordan, this included limiting the reach of conservative news outlet The Daily Wire on the platform while boosting the reach of traditional media outlets.
Newly Released Documents Confirm White House Influence on Facebook
According to newly released documents obtained by the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, Facebook confirmed to the White House that it was re-engineering its platform to suppress content that contradicted the administration's COVID vaccine agenda. The documents were reviewed by The Daily Wire. The chairman of the subcommittee, Jim Jordan, highlighted these documents in a tweet thread on Thursday.
Biden Administration's Efforts to Control Information on Facebook Revealed
Newly subpoenaed internal notes from meetings between Facebook executives and Biden administration officials have revealed the extent to which the White House wanted to control the spread of information on the platform. The Biden administration sought to control the narratives and true content posted on Facebook regarding COVID-19. President Biden even accused Facebook of "killing people" for allowing certain statements to be published on the site.
Internal Notes Shed Light on White House's Desire for Speech Control
In the third part of "The Facebook Files," internal notes of meetings between Facebook executives and Biden administration officials have been subpoenaed. These notes shed light on the extent to which the White House wanted to control speech on the platform. The details of these meetings can be found in a thread on Twitter.
Rob Flaherty's Alleged Pressure on Facebook
In a tweet, Rep. Jim Jordan accuses President Biden's former Director of Digital Strategy, Rob Flaherty, of pressuring Facebook to explain its content decisions. Jordan quotes Flaherty as saying, "We have to explain to President, Ron, people, why there is misinfo on the internet..." during a meeting with Facebook employees on April 14.
Discussion on Facebook's Efforts to Reduce Traffic from Certain Websites
In a discussion about Facebook's efforts to reduce traffic from certain websites, a person named Flaherty questioned whether the social media platform was taking enough action against sites like The New York Post. Flaherty expressed curiosity about what should be done from a policy perspective regarding articles published by The New York Post, and whether they should receive reductions or labels.
Biden White House's Alleged Desire for Content Control
According to the provided content, the Biden White House allegedly wanted Facebook to take additional steps in censoring opposing viewpoints. They reportedly pressured Facebook to remove certain individuals from the platform and demanded control over the content users see on the site.
Facebook Algorithm and Content Curation
The article discusses how Facebook's algorithm determines which posts users see on their news feed. It highlights a situation where some people questioned if Facebook could modify its algorithm to show more posts from reputable sources like the New York Times and fewer posts from sources like The Daily Wire and Tomi Lahren. The implication is that these individuals believed Facebook was underestimating users' ability to make informed decisions and wanted the platform to curate content accordingly.
Mocking Real America's Ability to Discern Truth
According to the provided content, President Biden's head of strategic communications and public engagement for the COVID-19 response, Courtney Rowe, allegedly mocked Real America's ability to discern truth from falsehoods. This led Facebook to take action, with one employee suggesting that if they couldn't remove content, they could at least contain it. However, Flaherty, presumably another individual, continued to push for more content moderation and control over what they deemed as "bad" content.
Facebook's Alleged Reduction of Visibility for Certain Posts
Rep. Jim Jordan is criticizing Facebook for allegedly admitting to reducing the visibility of certain posts, even if they didn't violate the company's terms and contained true information. Jordan claims that Facebook caved to pressure from the White House and is advocating for more content moderation and control. He shared a tweet with a screenshot of a statement from a Facebook employee to support his claims.
Further Evidence of a "Censorship-Industrial Complex"
In a recent tweet, Representative Jim Jordan shared a screenshot of what appears to be meeting notes from a Facebook employee. The notes suggest that the Biden White House is seeking to direct and control content on the social media platform. Jordan claims that this is further evidence of a "censorship-industrial complex." He hints that there may be more to come on this topic.