Kuwait Bans 'Barbie' and Lebanon May Follow Suit, Citing Promotion of Homosexuality

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The movie "Barbie" has been banned in Kuwait due to concerns that it promotes homosexuality and encourages unacceptable behavior, according ...

Rachael Wiley

Rachael Wiley

10 August 2023 11:21 am

Kuwait Bans 'Barbie' and Lebanon May Follow Suit, Citing Promotion of Homosexuality

The movie "Barbie" banned in Kuwait and at risk of being banned in Lebanon

The movie "Barbie" has been banned in Kuwait due to concerns that it promotes homosexuality and encourages unacceptable behavior, according to government officials. The film, directed by Greta Gerwig, has been criticized as being preachy and promoting man-hating. It is also at risk of being banned in Lebanon.

Kuwait bans Barbie and supernatural horror film "Talk to Me"

Kuwait has recently banned the popular doll Barbie and the supernatural horror film "Talk to Me" in order to protect public ethics and social traditions. The chairman of Kuwait's film censorship committee, Lafi Al-Subaie, claimed that the film promotes unacceptable behavior and distorts society's values. This move has attracted attention from local media outlets.

Barbie accused of promoting homosexuality in Kuwait and Lebanon

The popular doll Barbie has been banned in Kuwait and accused of promoting homosexuality in Lebanon. Kuwait banned Barbie due to concerns about the doll's influence on children, while Lebanon's cultural minister, Mohammad Mortada, banned the doll for promoting homosexuality and sexual transformation. Mortada argued that Barbie contradicts values of faith and morality by diminishing the importance of the family unit.

Film under review for potential ban in Lebanon

Interior Minister Bassam Mawlawi has requested the censorship committee of General Security to review a film following comments made by filmmaker Jocelyn Saab's son, Mortada. It is widely speculated that the film will be banned.

"Barbie" to be released in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates

The movie about a Barbie doll coming to life, which was initially rumored to be banned in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, will actually be released in theaters in those countries on August 10. However, the film faced a ban in Vietnam last month due to content that government officials deemed offensive.

Vietnam bans "Barbie" movie due to controversial map

The Vietnamese government has banned the release of the American movie "Barbie" in Vietnam due to its depiction of a controversial map of the South China Sea. The map in the film shows a U-shaped "nine-dash line," which has been a source of dispute between Vietnam and China. The head of the Department of Cinema, responsible for licensing and censoring foreign films, stated that the movie was not granted a license for release in Vietnam because of this offending image.

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