Prominent Iowa Evangelical Leader Voices Concerns About Trump's Chances of Winning
Bob Vander Plaats, an influential evangelical leader in Iowa, has expressed concerns about former President Donald Trump becoming the Republ...

Evangelical Leader Expresses Concerns About Trump as Republican Nominee for 2024 Election
Bob Vander Plaats, an influential evangelical leader in Iowa, has expressed concerns about former President Donald Trump becoming the Republican Party's nominee for the 2024 presidential election. As the president and CEO of The Family Leader, Vander Plaats has emphasized the importance of a dignified nominee and the need to appeal to younger generations who will shape future elections.
Faithful Individual Voices Concerns About Trump's Behavior
In a recent statement, a person of faith expressed their concerns about President Donald Trump. They clarified that their issue with him is not related to his church attendance, but rather his behavior and actions. Specifically, they mentioned his use of profanity and mocking of individuals with disabilities. They believe that a leader can be bold and assertive while still displaying qualities of a statesman.
Concerns Over Trump's Signing of the CARES Act
On Saturday, Bob Vander Plaats, an influential Iowa evangelical, expressed concerns about former President Donald Trump signing the CARES Act into law in March 2020. The act included $400 million in funding for new COVID-related election measures. Vander Plaats's concerns were prompted by a statement from Steve Deace, a prominent podcast host, who claimed that Trump had funded a ballot harvesting scheme that Democrats used to steal the last election. Vander Plaats responded by saying that these concerns, among others, were causing Trump supporters to look for another candidate. He criticized the repetitive rhetoric and referred to it as part of the "swamp."
Emphasis on Winning the Next Generation
In a tweet, Vander Plaats expressed his concern about the future and the need to win not only the next election but also the next generation. He quoted GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy's column in POLITICO, where Ramaswamy criticized Donald Trump for delivering a tale of grievance and a persecution complex instead of leading the nation to greatness.
Trump's Limited Appeal and the Search for a New Leader
According to Vander Plaats, the latest indictment against Trump is likely to strengthen the support of his followers, but it may also push those who are seeking an alternative to Trump to look for other options. Vander Plaats believes that Trump has a limited appeal and that people are increasingly searching for a new leader from the next generation.
Prominent Iowa Figure Admires Potential Republican Candidates
In a recent statement, Vander Plaats, a prominent figure in Iowa politics, expressed his admiration for several potential Republican presidential candidates. He praised Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, Senator Tim Scott, and Ramaswamy. Vander Plaats also mentioned that Iowans are currently evaluating these candidates, but the real coalescing and support for a particular candidate will likely become clearer closer to November and December.
Caution Against Relying on Current Polls
According to Vander Plaats, current polls may not accurately predict the eventual Republican nominee for the upcoming election. He cited examples from previous elections, where candidates who were leading in the polls at this stage did not end up winning the nomination. Vander Plaats mentioned Rudy Giuliani in 2008, Rick Perry in 2012, and Jeb Bush or Scott Walker in 2016 as examples of candidates who were polling well but did not secure the nomination.