Public Opinion Poll Reveals Decreased Confidence in the Military Among Americans, Reaching Decades Low

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According to a recent Gallup poll, Americans' confidence in the military has reached its lowest level in decades. The survey found that only...

Jody Golden

Jody Golden

02 August 2023 12:11 pm

Public Opinion Poll Reveals Decreased Confidence in the Military Among Americans, Reaching Decades Low

Americans' Confidence in the Military Reaches Historic Low

According to a recent Gallup poll, Americans' confidence in the military has reached its lowest level in decades. The survey found that only 60% of Americans, regardless of their political affiliation, expressed confidence in the U.S. military. This ties with the lowest level of confidence recorded since 1997. The last time confidence in the military was below 60% was in 1988, when it stood at 58%. The data was collected from June 1-22.

Decline in Confidence Among Republicans

According to recent data, there has been a significant decline in confidence in the military, particularly among Republicans. Historically, Republicans have been the most supportive of the military, but their confidence has dropped by 23 points since 2020. In that year, 91% of Republicans expressed confidence in the military.

Democrats' Confidence Declines After Biden's Inauguration

According to Gallup, Democrats' confidence in the government has declined since President Joe Biden's inauguration. Independents have the lowest level of confidence, at just 55%. This drop in confidence can be attributed to the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, which resulted in the deaths of thirteen American service members in a suicide bombing. The Taliban swiftly regained control of the country after the withdrawal.

Center for Renewing America Attributes Decline to Politicization

According to a conservative policy organization called the Center for Renewing America, Americans' confidence in the U.S. military is at its lowest point in two decades. They attribute this decline to a politicized Department of Defense, claiming that leaders prioritize woke indoctrination over patriotism and foreign conflicts over American interests.

Challenges with Recruiting and Potential Force Structure Reductions

The military is facing challenges with recruiting, as the Army failed to meet its recruitment goals in fiscal year 2022 and is expected to miss them again in fiscal year 2023. The Army had aimed to recruit 452,000 soldiers but is struggling to reach that target.

Army Secretary Christine Wormuth has expressed concerns about the declining number of service members in the military. She mentioned the possibility of making force structure reductions and "thinning out" the Army if the recruiting situation does not improve. Wormuth emphasized the need to turn around the recruitment situation to avoid substantial cuts in the Army's force structure.

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