Rock Star Opens Up About Stroke Experience, Provides Fans with Update
Iron Maiden drummer Nicko McBrain has revealed that he suffered a stroke in January, explaining his recent absence and concerns about his he...

Iron Maiden Drummer Nicko McBrain Reveals Stroke and Recovery
Iron Maiden drummer Nicko McBrain has revealed that he suffered a stroke in January, explaining his recent absence and concerns about his health. In a video posted on YouTube, the 71-year-old rocker shared that the stroke has left him partially paralyzed. However, he remains optimistic and is focusing on his recovery, crediting his progress to the grace of God.
Partial Paralysis and Recovery
Iron Maiden drummer Nicko McBrain revealed that he suffered a minor stroke earlier this year, which left him partially paralyzed on his right side. However, with the support of his wife, family, doctors, and occupational therapist, McBrain has been able to make a recovery and is now at around 70% of his previous abilities.
Rehearsals for Upcoming Tour
The rocker, who recently underwent 10 weeks of therapy, announced that rehearsals for their upcoming tour are about to begin. They emphasized the importance of informing fans about their progress, stating that although they are not fully recovered, they are improving and gaining strength with each passing week.
Determination and Willpower
Iron Maiden drummer Nicko McBrain has revealed that he suffered a stroke earlier this year but is now on the road to recovery. McBrain's manager, Rod Smallwood, praised his determination and willpower in overcoming the health setback. Smallwood also mentioned that McBrain did not want to disrupt the band's tour at the time, but now feels it is important to inform fans directly about his condition.
Excitement for Upcoming Tour
The article is about a musician who has successfully battled through a health issue and is now ready to resume touring. The musician's spokesperson expressed delight at his recovery and mentioned upcoming shows in Western Canada and California. The spokesperson also expressed excitement about the upcoming tour, describing it as "that good."