The Male Loneliness Epidemic: Embracing Traditional Masculinity as a Solution
The number of suicides in the United States reached a record high last year, with 49,449 Americans taking their own lives. This alarming sta...

The number of suicides in the United States reached a record high last year, with 49,449 Americans taking their own lives. This alarming statistic, which has not received much attention in the media, highlights the need for greater focus on mental health and suicide prevention.
Importance of Addressing Suicide
The content provided highlights the importance of addressing the issue of suicide and the need for deeper analysis of data to understand the demographics of those affected. The author emphasizes the significance of knowing the age, sex, race, occupation, and other factors of individuals committing suicide in order to develop effective solutions. The article suggests that presenting these findings honestly would serve as a starting point to tackle the problem.
Lack of Comprehensive Reporting
The author criticizes major media outlets and public health institutions for not providing in-depth coverage of the risks associated with COVID-19. They point out a quick report from Good Morning America that mentions certain groups, such as veterans, physicians, and LGBTQ youth, being particularly at risk without providing further details or discussing the numbers. The author suggests that there is a lack of comprehensive reporting on the topic.
Omission of Men in Suicide Discussions
The article highlights the omission of men, particularly blue-collar men, from a discussion about suicide rates. It points out that men account for approximately 80% of suicides, with those living in rural areas being particularly vulnerable. The highest per capita suicide rate is found among men working in the professions of mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction. The article questions why certain demographic groups, such as LGBT youth and physicians, were mentioned in the discussion while men, especially blue-collar men, were not.
Bias in Media Coverage
The content provided highlights a perceived bias in media coverage regarding suicide rates among men. The author suggests that media outlets, including Good Morning America and Reuters, are not adequately addressing the issue of male suicide and instead focusing on gun control and political agendas. The author argues that the real problem lies in understanding and addressing the underlying causes of suicide rather than solely focusing on eliminating access to firearms.
Lack of Media Coverage on Male Suicide Rates
The article highlights a lack of media coverage on the high suicide rates among men. It argues that discussions on this topic are often overshadowed by other social issues, such as racial equity and the Black Lives Matter movement. The author provides examples of recent reports that have framed discussions on male suicide through these lenses.
Disparities in Suicide Rates
According to data from the CDC, white Americans accounted for over 37,000 suicides last year, while black Americans accounted for a little over 3,800 suicides. When accounting for population differences, this means that white people are killing themselves at roughly twice the rate of black people. This data is consistent with previous years' data, which also showed that black people were about one-third as likely to commit suicide compared to white people. The New York Times previously covered this topic and suggested that there might be some unknown flaw in the data to explain the disparity, although they did not provide further explanation.
Other Challenges Faced by Men
Many media outlets are avoiding discussing the high suicide rate among men in the country. In addition to hiding data on suicide rates, they also rarely address other clear signs of men's suffering, such as the fact that around 70% of homeless people are men. The overall number of homeless people has more than doubled in the last 30 years. Furthermore, men are more likely than women to use and overdose on illicit drugs, with the number of overdoses increasing significantly in the past two decades.
Increase in Drug Overdose Deaths
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH), the number of drug overdose deaths in the United States has significantly increased over the years. In 1999, there were fewer than 20,000 overdose deaths, while in 2021, the number exceeded 100,000. The majority of these deaths are accounted for by men, with women being significantly less affected.
Disparities Between Men and Women
In addition to drug overdose deaths, other statistics highlight disparities between men and women. Young men report being single at more than twice the rate of young women, indicating a difference in relationship status. Similarly, statistics related to unhappiness and depression show similar patterns, with men experiencing higher rates than women.
Challenges Faced by Men
The data also suggests that men are more likely to face certain challenges. They are more prone to ending up in prison, dropping out of school, and becoming victims of violent crime. These statistics indicate a gender disparity in various aspects of life, highlighting the need for further examination and understanding of these issues.
Decline of Men in Society
The article discusses the decline of men in society and the lack of attention given to this issue. It suggests that the causes of this decline could be attributed to various factors such as globalization, feminism, #MeToo, and modern monetary theory. The article also mentions that mainstream media does not seem to address these problems, and instead, YouTube personalities are discussing them more openly. It provides an example of a YouTube channel that explores the impact of social media, dating apps, and the economy on men. The conclusion drawn by the YouTube personality is not mentioned in the provided content.
Attention to Men's Issues
The YouTuber ShoeOnHead has gained significant attention with a video that has garnered 1.5 million views in just one week. In the video, she discusses the issue of despair, loneliness, and listlessness among men. The video highlights the lack of acknowledgment and coverage of this problem by the corporate media. While ShoeOnHead's analysis resonates with many viewers, she does not provide a solution to the issue. The article raises the question of what the solution could be to address these challenges.
Alternative Conception of American Masculinity
The article from the Washington Post titled "Men's groups are embracing an alternative conception of American masculinity" acknowledges some of the struggles men face but offers a prescription that is criticized as terrible. The author, a woman, is accused of reaching the wrong diagnosis on every aspect of the problem. The article discusses how men's groups are adopting a different view of masculinity in America.
Humorous Solution to Male Loneliness
The content being provided is a recommendation to check out an article from The Washington Post that discusses the issue of male loneliness and suggests a unique solution. The article proposes that men should engage in breathing exercises, smell incense, and receive physical contact from a person named Rua, who will whisper comforting words to them. The tone of the content suggests that this recommendation may be seen as humorous or satirical.
Embracing Emotions and Challenging Toxic Masculinity
The article discusses men's groups that focus on embracing emotions and getting in touch with their feminine side. These groups encourage participants to express their feelings through activities like screaming and sobbing. The article quotes experts who argue that toxic masculinity and the "cowboy mentality" have contributed to men feeling lonely and lost. One of the experts mentioned is Niobe Way, a woman who coined the term "cowboy mentality."
Impact of Male Loneliness on Women
The article discusses the issue of male loneliness and the impact it has on women. It highlights the perspective of a masculinity expert named Niobe, who suggests that women are becoming tired of being the emotional support for their husbands. The article questions the conflicting message that men should open up more while also acknowledging the burden it places on their wives. It also mentions that men often listen to their wives' troubles more frequently.
Societal Pressure on Boys
According to consultant Mark Green, boys are often discouraged from expressing emotions or seeking connection because society associates these traits with being feminine or gay. Green argues that boys are taught to dominate others in order to maintain their status, leading to a constant state of competition and anxiety among men.
Diminished Masculinity in Society
The article discusses the issue of lost and lonely men, attributing it to a "cowboy mentality" and excessive macho stoicism. However, the author questions why this problem is worsening over time, as statistics indicate that men are in bad shape.
Reevaluating Traditional Notions of Masculinity
The author argues that blaming traditional notions of masculinity for societal issues may not be justified. They point out that derogatory terms for boys, such as "sissies" or "gay," are less common now compared to the past. They suggest that historically, there was a stronger emphasis on men being strong, dominant, and unemotional, and not exhibiting these traits could have dire consequences. However, the author believes that in recent times, men have lost their sense of identity and purpose, coinciding with the rise of more flexible gender roles.
Correlation Between Societal Shift and Male Loneliness
The article argues that the cowboy mentality, which is associated with resilience and self-reliance, did not lead to despair and suicide during the era of cowboys in the latter half of the 19th century.
Isolation and Cultural Beliefs
The article discusses the issue of American men's isolation and its connection to cultural beliefs. It mentions that experts believe one of the main reasons for this isolation is the cultural belief that men should be self-reliant and hide their emotions, especially from other men. However, the author questions the validity of this premise, arguing that this belief is less pervasive today than it was in the past. They suggest that as society moves away from traditional notions of masculinity, suicide rates among men increase, indicating a correlation between the two. The author emphasizes the importance of acknowledging this correlation and warns against denying or ignoring it.
Masculine Fellowship and Communication Styles
The author of the content is criticizing the idea that men need fellowship but argues that the suggested methods of fellowship are not what men actually want or need. They claim that men bond through shared activities rather than talking about their feelings, and give examples such as watching sports, fishing, golfing, and playing basketball. The author also criticizes the masculinity experts in corporate media, calling them effeminate and implying that they don't understand what normal men want.
Understanding Gender Differences
The author recounts a fishing trip with their brother-in-law and reflects on the difference in communication styles between men and women. They explain that when asked what they talked about, they responded that they mainly discussed fishing, which surprised their wife. The author asserts that men and women are not the same and suggests that understanding this fundamental difference is crucial in providing support and guidance to men.
Lack of Male Fellowship in Society
The article discusses the lack of opportunities for true male fellowship in society. It mentions the disappearance of men's lodges and bowling leagues, which were traditionally spaces for men to socialize. The author argues that many men's spaces have either been closed down or feminized, and society expects men to socialize like women or not at all. The article suggests that this societal shift towards feminization of male spaces has led to negative consequences, such as an increase in male suicide rates. The author also criticizes the dominance of women or effeminate men in institutions, stating that they fail to acknowledge the unique needs and desires of men.
Embracing Masculinity
The author argues that the real problem is not that men are too focused on masculinity, but rather that masculinity has been diminished in society, leaving men feeling lost and without purpose. They believe that traditional notions of masculinity are not being upheld enough and that men should focus less on talking about their feelings and more on embracing their masculinity. The author suggests that if society values and embraces masculinity, the issue of male loneliness and despair will start to diminish.
Call to Action
The content provided is a call to action for individuals who need immediate support. It encourages them to call or text the number 988 or visit the website for assistance. Additionally, it mentions the availability of the Daily Wire app and references the National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH.